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RADAR: Qualification in Siscomex is one of the steps prior to customs clearance.
In order for the legal entity to carry out foreign trade operations, it is necessary to have the legal responsible for further accreditation of legal representatives (customs brokers).
According to IN RFB No. 1984/2020, the qualification can be performed in the following submodalities:
Intended for:
a) Publicly-held corporation with shares
traded on the stock exchange or the over-the-counter market,
and its wholly owned subsidiaries;
b) Public Company or Mixed Economy Society.
Imports up to USD 50,000, semiannual*
Imports up to USD 150,000, semiannual*
Exports without value limits.
UNLIMITED: Imports above USD 150,000, semiannual*
* Rotational renewal of the limit within a period of 6 months
RADAR : Habilitação no Siscomex é uma das etapas prévias ao despacho aduaneiro.
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