Customs Export Services by Brokers:
Customs Clearance in Exports is our specialty, in all Modals Maritime, Air or Road, in the main Ports, Airports or Borders in Brazil.
We guide the transmission of Export Invoices
We prepare and register DUE [Single Export Declaration]
LPCO Issuance [Licenses, Permissions, Certificates and Other Documents]
Preparation of Commercial Invoice and Packing-list;
Export for Onboard Use and Consumption (Dispatch a Posteriori);
Export of Unaccompanied Baggage (International Moving);
Export for compliance and write- off of the Suspension Drawback Concession Act linked to the import process;
Emission Certificates of Origin, Phytosanitary, etc.
RA consultant brokers are always up to date with customs legislation and new export procedures. In 2018, New Export Processes will be definitively implemented, through the DU-E in the Single Foreign Trade Portal .
[Ribeiro Aduaneiro: Uncomplicating Customs Clearance]